Get divorced for less, and without all the stress. 

Simplify Your Nebraska Divorce with Our Uncontested Divorce Package
Uncontested Divorces with no children from $1500
‍Uncontested Divorces with children from $2000
Contact us to see if your case qualifies.

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Have You And Your Spouse Agreed On All Terms For An Uncontested Divorce?
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Contact Acknowledgement

By submitting this form, you consent to Hathaway Law Group contacting you via phone or email to discuss your case.

I agree that an attorney-client relationship will not be formed until I enter into a written fee agreement with Hathaway Law Group. I also agree this submission does not constitute a request for legal advice, nor will information received in response to my submission constitute legal advice.

Substantial Savings
20+ Years
Proven Experience
5 Stars
Consistantly Rated
Substantial Savings
20+ Years Proven Experience
5 Star Rating

How it Works

No-Fault, No Contest,
No Problem

  1. Provide Your Details: Fill out our initial packet and provide your divorce agreement details.
  2. Attorney Review: Our expert team of attorneys will review your agreement to ensure it meets legal requirements and advise on any necessary steps.
  3. File and Serve: We draft, file all required documents, and provide service documents for your spouse without having a Sheriff serve them.
  4. Finalize and Submit: Once both spouses sign the final documents, we submit them to the judge for approval.

Provide Your Details: Fill out our initial packet and provide your divorce agreement details.

Attorney Review: Our expert team of attorneys will review your agreement to ensure it meets legal requirements and advise on any necessary steps.

File and Serve: We draft, file all required documents, and provide service documents for your spouse without having a Sheriff serve them.

Finalize and Submit: Once both spouses sign the final documents, we submit them to the judge for approval.

Mother and daughter

What is an Uncontested Divorce?

The Fast-Track to a Peaceful Separation

An uncontested divorce is a type of divorce where both spouses agree on all the terms and conditions of the divorce. This includes decisions about:

  • Custody and parenting time
  • Child support and child expenses
  • Spousal support/alimony
  • How all property will be divided
  • How all debt will be divided

When you can agree with your spouse, you can unlock a quicker and more efficient process for your divorce.

Eligibility Requirements

Do I Qualify for an
Uncontested Divorce?

Qualifying Factors:
To qualify for our Easy Divorce Package, both spouses must agree on all major issues, including:

  • Custody and Parenting Time: Both spouses agree on how they will share custody and time with their children.
  • Child Support and Child Expenses: They agree on child support and how child-related expenses will be managed.
  • Spousal Support/Alimony: They come to an agreement on any spousal support or alimony payments.
  • Property Division: They determine how all marital property will be divided between them.
  • Debt Division: They agree on how all marital debts will be allocated.

When you can agree with your spouse, you can unlock a quicker and more efficient divorce, making it an ideal option for many individuals.

Disqualifying Factors:
An uncontested case cannot proceed if any of the following are true:

  • Physical Abuse or Domestic Violence: Any history of physical abuse or domestic violence in the relationship.
  • Child Abuse or Neglect: Any allegations or findings of child abuse or neglect against children of the marriage.
  • Financial Control: One spouse controls all the finances and the other spouse is not familiar with the assets and debts of the marriage.
  • Income and Business Interests: One spouse does not know the other spouse’s income or business interests.
  • Real Property in Other States: Ownership of real property in states other than the filing state.
Book A Free COnsultation

Hathaway Law Group vs Self-Service Options

An Affordable, Hassle-free Divorce Alternative from the Privacy of Your Home

Choosing the right approach to your divorce can make a significant difference in the process and outcome. Here's how Hathaway Law Group compares to self-service options:

Open Communication

Benefits of Hathaway Law Group:

  • ...Experienced attorney ensures ......proper handling of the process.
  • ...Compliance with state laws ......reduces risk of errors.
  • ...Tailored advice based on your ......specific needs.
  • ...Paperwork and filings managed to you time and reduce stress.
  • ...Professional management provides ......confidence and peace of mind.

Drawbacks of Self-Service Options:

  • X...Requires time-consuming and .....confusing self-research.
  • X...Higher risk of errors without legal .....expertise.
  • X...No personalized legal advice for .....complex issues.
  • X...Potential for missing important .....documents or steps.
  • X...Stressful and overwhelming .....without professional support.

Our Customers Love Us
(You Will Too).

“Honest and Straight Shooter”

“Richard was so amazing to work with. I will always be grateful to him for working through a difficult situation so thoroughly and efficiently with me. He was honest and respectful. I have worked with several lawyers, and he never left me guessing or waiting without communication and updates. He is careful not to be frivolous with his clients’ money, and he is incredibly knowledgeable. I highly recommend him to anyone needing things done right. He works very hard for his clients.”

Hannah S.
Former Client

“Attention to detail was impeccable!”

“Rich was knowledgeable, professional and direct with his approach as well managing my expectations. He didn’t hesitate to take my case at the last second and handled it beautifully. I couldn’t have asked for better legal counsel and wouldn’t hesitate to reach out again in the future if I needed to.”

David M.
Former Client

“Cared about my case and resolving it”

"Rich was and is beyond friendly. Very upfront, honest, polite, always answered phone calls and any questions. Very knowledgeable about every aspect of the any situation."

Justin W.
Former Client

“True Professional and Expert”

“Richard Hathaway is a true professional and expert in the field of family law.”

Miguel A.
Former Client

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Hathaway Law Group represent both spouses?

It's a common misconception that one lawyer can represent both spouses in an uncontested divorce. This is not true. One lawyer cannot represent both sides in a divorce lawsuit. However, if both spouses agree on all terms, one lawyer can prepare all the paperwork and documents on behalf of one spouse. The other spouse can then decide if they are comfortable representing themself and reviewing the agreement, or if not they can seek their own independent counsel to help them review the prepared agreement.

What is the full uncontested divorce process?

When you choose our Uncontested Divorce Package, the process is streamlined to ensure efficiency and clarity. Here’s what you can expect:

Initial Packet and Intake: We send an initial packet to the hiring spouse to complete intake and provide the agreement reached between the spouses.
Review of Agreement: We review the information to ensure the agreement complies with Nebraska laws and rules.
Compliance Check: We advise if there are specific rules, classes, or requirements that need to be completed to move the case forward.
Filing with the Court: We draft and file all necessary documents with the court.
Service Documents: We provide service documents so the non-represented spouse can be served without involving a Sheriff.
Drafting Final Documents: We draft the required final documents. These documents may include a decree, property settlement agreement, parenting plan, child support calculations, and waivers.
Submission to the Judge: Once both spouses sign the final documents, we submit them to the judge for review and signature. With our Uncontested Divorce Package it is quite possible that neither spouse will need to personally appear before a judge.

How long does an uncontested divorce take to finalize?

In Nebraska, the judge can sign a final decree 60 days after your spouse is served. It is possible to have the final documents sent to the judge within 60 days. The divorce is final 30 days after the judicially signed decree is filed with the court.

Will I have to appear in court?

Most of the uncontested divorces we handle do not require either spouse to appear in court for the final hearing.

What is the quickest way to get a divorce?

Filing a no-fault, uncontested divorce with the help of a service like Hathaway Law Group may be the quickest way to get a divorce. Additionally, using our Uncontested Divorce Package can save thousands of dollars in legal fees.